March 12 Sunday, March 18 Saturday


  • 10 edited photos
  • up to 15 min (if you're late you miss your own time
  • one family (two adults only)
  • no outfit change
  • no pets allowed

$150 + tax

adds on:

  • each additional edited photo $10
  • outfit change $20
  • each additional person $20
  • purchase all photos as is $60
  • all photos in color correction $100
  • must come picture ready
  • booked only after deposit which is non refundable


Rabbits belong to one of clients and I will pick them up in the morning prior to photoshoot. I will have an assistant to help watch after rabbits so we don't loose session time. Each child will be instructed about safety and how to touch animal not to do any harm. In case a child doesn't want to listen and is showing cruelty towards animal I will take them into the cage and session will continue without rabits.:)

I absolutely adore all animals and won't allow any kind of cruelty. Please talk to your kids about being gentle with them.